Aficionado de Cubs 'se bebe' pelota que atrapa con su vaso
De las mejores tradiciones en el beisbol.
De las mejores aficiones en cualquier deporte es la de los Cachorros de Chicago. Ganen o pierdan, siempre se hace una fiesta en Wrigley Field.
El lunes en partido entre los Mets de Nueva York y los Cubs, una pelota de foul, de un batazo de Anthony Rizzo, cayó en el vaso con cerveza de un fan. Por lo que, por tradición, se acabó todo el vaso.
There is one unwritten rule of baseball that I wholeheartedly endorse — just one:
If a foul ball lands in a beverage, the beverage-holding fan is obligated to chug said beverage before removing the baseball.
It’s a timeless tradition that should be honored far more often than throwing baseballs at people for being too good at baseball. During Monday’s Cubs-Mets game, a Cubs fan kept that tradition alive.
When Anthony Rizzo hit a foul ball in the stands behind home plate, the Wrigley faithful let out a massive cheer because some fan had caught the baseball in his beer cup. That drew Rizzo’s attention to the stands where he watched the Cubs fan chug the beer with the baseball remaining in the cup.
Has a more Wrigley Field moment happened this season? Not sure, but Rizzo following up that moment with an RBI double probably put it over the top.
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